I'm in the middle of cleaning the house right now, and as I went to put the surface spray away I noticed that my family keeps a toothbrush with the cleaning supplies. The strange things my family do disturb and amuse me.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It's Annie the Musical in My Bathroom
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Zero Calorie Post
Friday, February 20, 2009
Why Do You Cling To the Degenerate Shreds of Your Pathetic Ideals for America, Libtards?
I've abstained from commenting on politics for a while because: 1) I felt homicidal for a while there about the whole Obamessiah-in-the-Whitehouse dealio, and 2) I wanted to explore other creative writing ideas/commentary outside of politics. However, I believe the season for shameless abuse of the liberal agenda has returned, and I intend to re-acclimate myself to the political blogging environment with gusto.
Today, I will speak about Prop 8. Yes, I too thought it was over with back in November when we passed it, but apparently the Dhimmicrats don't share our sentiment. In my travels trolling across YouTube, I've found that the most delusional and stubborn* of liberals are still dragging their diseased claws across "Equality for All," in a desperate and laughable attempt to seemingly change the course of history and render the Californian people's decision void.

Before I continue, let me get a few things out of the way: 1) I do not hate gays. I certainly do not agree with the lives they've chosen to lead, but I don't go around egging the houses of homosexual neighbors, either. In fact, I've met some very pleasant and enjoyable people who are gay. We've shared laughs and have carried on normal, non-controversial conversations. 2) I believe that homosexuals are my legal equals. I believe that they (given that they are American citizens) are entitled to any constitutional right that is extended to another citizen. Although I think what they're doing is wrong, I believe that homosexual partners should be granted civil unions if they choose to receive one. I do not believe that they're homosexuality inhibits their ability to work or be functioning, contributing member of society.
That being said, I also believe that homosexuals should not be allowed to: 1) be involved in the daycare, preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and junior high school education systems, 2) adopt children, 3) be married to a member of the same sex.
The last, of course, is what this post will be about. As I mentioned above, some of the Looney Left are still prostrating themselves at the altar of "gaysarepeopletoosotheyshouldbemarried." For all the reasons this is untrue, please check out the first post this blog ever saw. For a fresher, less political view on the subject, continue with me now.
First off, marriage originated as a religious ceremony. This means that the people it really matters to are religious -- and what I mean by "matters" is that, to them, marriage is the catalyst to have sex (sorry -- unavoidable), children, and in some cases safety from the streets, a job, and respectable social standing. To many religious groups, there is no alternative way -- no "different path" -- to take to achieve these things. It's set in stone, and nothing and no one can change it without open defiance and disregard to their religion. What I'm trying to say by all this is that to a lot of people, marriage is more than just a contract of love like it is to secular humanists; it's a door opening into a new world and completely different life.
Jumping to a slightly different topic, there is not one major religion that endorses homosexuality. Not Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism . . . Do you see where I'm going with this?
Well, if marriage to you is what I described above, then you shouldn't be homosexual. Period. It's not judgmental, it's not exclusive, it's just the way it is. This means that if you're gay, then not getting married isn't barring you from anything (except, perhaps, a shiny state certificate as proof of marriage and a lacy white dress and/or overpriced tux) -- you won't be forced to die a childless, homeless, jobless, lower class virgin like some of us forever-singles.
So bitch and moan all you want, but you're just acting like greedy kids complaining that Robbie has a shinier firetruck than you.
I'm aware that some people would argue, "So what? So it's a rite intended for religious people, but what's it gonna hurt to let the gays in? It's not like it will take away from the weddings of any straight people." And to that I say, "Kindly STFU, sir, you clearly don't know what you're talking about."
Please excuse this poor analogy I'm about to give you: it would be like if you wrote a book, and it had your name, your thoughts, and your ideas written in it. Anyone who gave even the briefest glance would be able to see what you represented. Now say some kid comes over and scribbles his thoughts and his ideas in the margins, and writes his name on front next to yours. Yes, the book hasn't technically changed -- it holds the same purpose, and accomplishes the same function as before. But it's been marked by someone else now, and people who look at it will see not only your original ideas, but all the ideas of the punk who vandalized your property, too. It's no longer in a pure form, but being shared by someone else that you don't respect or agree with. When people see the two of you sharing the pages, they'll assume that you're in it together.
Do you understand the point I'm trying to make? People would look on homosexuals allowed to marry as religious groups accepting the gay community, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Anyway, a bit long-winded, but I'm glad I'm back in the political swing of things. I hope to have similar liberal-shredding posts up soon. Comment if you're sick of hearing about gay "rights."
*I know that this is an especially hard condition to envision, given how concerningly detached from reality any "normal" liberal is. For the sake of example, though, I implore you to imagine Rosie O'Donnell and Michael Moore's child times a gulloopatrillion. Actually, for the sake of your sanity, don't do what I just said. Just . . . run with the basic idea. But seriously, for all that is good and holy, please don't try to visualize that coupling.
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 8:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Snow White Disgusts Me
I will never ever never let my kids read Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Or watch the movie. Or own the Barbie. Never.
You want to know why?
Because it's disgusting, that's why.
At first glance it seems okay, right? The seven little men living alone in the woods is, admittedly, a little weird, but who are we to judge? But that's at first glance.
The other day, my mom and I were pondering over this particular work of fiction. Why? we asked ourselves, do the dwarfs have such strange names? And why is Snow White so nice? And why did Disney deviate so far from the original story in the creation of the movie?
Then the oh-so-true truth dawned on us. The sick, horrible truth: Snow White is a commercial endorsement of drug use, psychosis, and mild disorders.
Allow me to expound:
He's the pre-med dropout/alcoholic. After showing up drunk to class for the third time, he was "let go" from his courses. And given a restraining order. When the dwarfs realized Doc couldn't act as their supplier anymore, they moved out into a secluded wood to wean themselves off their addictions. It didn't work. Doctor Dipso's constantly red nose (I mean come on -- he can't get sunburned in a mine), beer belly-paunch, and onsetting wet brain do little to disguise his addiction. (Not to mention, an alcoholic doctor. Come on, man -- spare us the irritating cliche.) Luckily for him, the A-type personality and delusional optimism that keeps his drug circle droogies in line also keeps Grumpy's knife at bay.






(It may be worth mentioning here that most of the dwarfs are burgeoning alcoholics, courtesy of Doc. It was unavoidable, really, given that alcohol is the universal substance to abuse.)

Snow White

If you thought the dwarfs were bad, just wait till I fill you in on Snow White. Although she doesn't participate in substance abuse (on a regular basis), Snow White does have deep and concerning psychoses. First and foremost, she displays indulgence in fantasies and escapism (through manual labor) to such an extent that she is barred from reality. We first see this shown in the beginning when she is singing that "one day her prince will come" while performing tedious and straining cleaning under the abusive jurisdiction of her stepmother. These could very well have stemmed from a desperate attempt to put up walls against her stepmother's maltreatment, having evolved in such a way that she has mentally separated herself from this plane. Another point of interest is her weak-to-the-point-of-nonexistent personal boundaries and a thwarted maternal drive that we see manifested when she joins up with the dwarfs. Perhaps these are just subsets of her fantasies (refer to her seemingly inherent need for a prince?), or another thing altogether, but we've got trouble in River City either way.
I won't even bother asking if I've converted you, because I know I have. And because I'm not quite satisfied with the low amount of potential scarring this post already contains, here:

Ms. Bowie wishes you a Merry (very belated) Christmas on behalf of myself.
Oh yeah -- and Happy Valentine's Day and all that jazz. Huzzah. (If you're cynical like me you call it Singles Awareness Day, and we should meet over coffee sometime.)
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Labels: Community Service-ish, Zero Calorie Post
Friday, February 6, 2009
Well, Brandon, You Were Right
I'd like to consider myself a humble individual. I'd like to think that when a times comes that I am proven wrong (a rare occurrence indeed), I'm able to suppress my ego and admit it.
Now is one of those times.
He (she?) was pictured here with actor Will Smith at a charity gala in NYC on Wednesday.
Well snaps and claps to you, Brandon. I never saw this one coming.
I'm just . . . stunned, really. I mean, I had my suspicions all along, of course (not that I ever admitted those to anyone), but I never expected him/her to come out even if he/she did turn out to be . . . you know . . . a female.
This is devastating and more than a little awkward.
(P.S. Is it just me or is Bowie looking a little fat?)
Well snaps and claps to you, Brandon. I never saw this one coming.
I'm just . . . stunned, really. I mean, I had my suspicions all along, of course (not that I ever admitted those to anyone), but I never expected him/her to come out even if he/she did turn out to be . . . you know . . . a female.
This is devastating and more than a little awkward.
(P.S. Is it just me or is Bowie looking a little fat?)
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 7:17 PM 7 comments
Labels: DaBo, Lolz, Zero Calorie Post
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