Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bring Out the Hickory Stick

Oh my gosh, I feel horrible. I cannot express to you, dear readers, how very sorry I am that I have failed you with my sporadic updating. I'll really, truly try to make this more regular.

I know I said that I would move back to political topics now, but suddenly I'm having second thoughts. I think (and give me your opinion on this) that it would be better if I continued to make this a humor blog with random political posts thrown in at random. If you'd like to hear more political posts, though, I suppose I could work them in. I've just reached a point personally where I no longer want to dwell on and whine over problems, but rather take an active approach in solving them. Not to say, by any means, that the two are mutually exclusive, but I feel (perhaps arrogantly) that I'm simply enabling what I perceive as the conservative do-nothing sickness by writing political satire.

Anyway, I've rambled enough. Give me your thoughts on where you'd like this blog to go, and have a very happy Sunday.

Oh, who's da wittle kitty? You are! You are! Ooo, you're just adorable, yes you are!


Brandon said...

Is that your kitty?

About the blog, humor is nice as is presenting political facts in a new way. We have enough political ranting blogs. Just continue your, strangely attractive, random postings. While we your adoring slaves, yes it is true do not deny it , will continue to read them.