"Leonard Nimoy’s quizzically handsome, slightly inscrutable, deep-voiced Vulcan Spock -- a man so arch he had permanent raised eyebrows -- was . . . [a] kind of missing link between the British TV alien time traveler Doctor Who (who debuted in 1963) and Yoda, Spock, the Vulcan with the ears of an elf, the bangs of a mid-'60s turtlenecked nightclub dandy, and the manners of an extraterrestrial Zen guru, was, symbolically speaking, humanity “evolved” into a creature of ultimate, impeccable logic and wisdom. Of course, such perfection isn’t really attainable, or even necessarily desirable, which is why the flaw in Spock’s nature, his human side -- the bits of emotion that niggled away at his placid demeanor -- were what made him sympathetic. Yet within the temperamentally integrated rainbow coalition that was the crew of the
U.S.S. Enterprise, Spock, the suavely rational brain man, represented something new: the coming of geek chic." --
'Star Trek': Why Spock is cooler than ever by Owen Gleiberman
I have a new and ever-growing love for Mr. Spock. Some ask me, "But why
Why Spock?! The ears, the ears!" To that I say, "Hm, nyah -- shuddup, I can't hear the
TOS episode over your yapping." I can understand how some might not find Spock attractive: Leonard Nimoy (the actor who played Spock -- the
original Spock, the
real Spock, thankyouverymuch, Zachary Quinto) is not conventionally handsome, by any means; he's an indifferent character, ostensibly incapable of showing emotion; in the same vein, he's acutely logical, possessing such an unyielding sense of rational -- completely untainted by feeling -- as to make him seem cold and perhaps even cruel; and let's not forget the ears and eyebrows. However, I think it's crystal clear why Spock is so mind-numbingly attractive. And I will share that knowledge with you. You're welcome.

Seeing as how this is the biggest and most obvious reason for Spock's appeal, I'll get it over with right off the bat: The man (Vulcan?) could out-think Einstein any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Our boy Spocky is an intelligent little thing. He's served as a Science Officer under two captains, in addition to First Officer under one. With a brain that vast, you'd never be intellectually bored. Such dedication to bettering one's mind shows a sense of commitment and passion, both of which as hugely important factors to Teh Appeal.

Spock is notorious for his ostensible incapability to display emotion. Given that, if he ever told you he loved you, he'd
really have to frickin' mean it. All the females I know need that sense of sincerity behind a declaration of love, which Spock is more than able to provide.

Spoiler alert (from 27 years ago)! In
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Spock dies while saving the Enterprise from the Genesis Device which Khan had activated to destroy it. He ultimately saves the ship by restoring its power, but dies from the radiation released by the damaged warp drive. In the funeral held by the crew, Spock's body is shot into space . . . eventually landing on the Genesis planet, which converts his body so that he is once again a (living) baby. Moral of the story: Not even death will do you part -- Spock can love you

Although he is often presented as gentle and reserved, Spock contains an arsenal of wow-worthy physical abilities. Never mind heightened strength, stamina, and agility, he can
incapacitate someone by pinching one's neck! That is very nearly a superpower. How. Freaking. Awesome.

Despite the fact that it will likely require a bit of coercive maneuvers on his will and body, Spock will sing a beautiful, tantalizing, elegiac melody for you. In addition to his vocal talents, he is also a master of the piano and Vulcan lute. Haven't you always wanted a strong and silent alien hybrid to sing you to sleep? I know I have.
Spock has the capacity (and sometimes the desire) to share thoughts, emotions, and knowledge with other individuals through no more than the act of sticking his fingers on your face. He can do this with two hands or one hand. Do you know what this could entail? Telling you just what he thinks of you in that dress without any insulted and disturbed glances from passerbys. Knowing not only that it's not "nothing," but the exact "something" that's made you mad. It would be an endless mindscrew and
utterly amazing. I have no shame in admitting that he can Vulcan mind-meld me to his heart's content anytime he wants.

In essence, Spock is a bold and confident man, and will easily go where no other has gone before. He takes on the Horta when Kirk proves to be too much of a latent, emasculated girly-man. His dangerous and cunning alter ego can attractively wear facial hair. He made out with a hot nurse on a chaise lounge. He has, time and time again, shown himself to be a man of poise and assertiveness. Given the utter confidence he places in the risks he takes, I wouldn't mind entrusting my heart to him. And should that ever prove to be a mistake, I have the trust in knowing that he is, and always will be, my friend.

P.S. Sorry for not getting this up yesterday -- would you believe I actually just plain forgot? Yeesh, I feel stupid. :P