Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ch-ch-ch-changes for Teh Blog

1) Summertime has come into my life. The school year has ended, and I'm a free women -- until the 22nd, when I start up an intense French 101 course at my local community college. That aside, I've come to realize that, with my days being so freed up without the burden of a regular school schedule, I should probably get more on top of doing regular blog posts (And there was much rejoicing . . . Yay! Yay!). I won't promise anything, because that's never worked in the past (oops -- *wrist slap*), but I'm earnestly going to try to update twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays around 3 am GMT.

2) I run short on ideas. That hampers my ability to produce blogs that will satisfy my perfectionism and amuse/provoke thoughtfulness in you. That being said: PLEASE TELL ME TOPICS YOU'D LIKE ME TO WRITE ABOUT. Please, please, please make a comment with any and all ideas you have for a post, either with your Blogger account or anonymously. This will make it easier for me to turn out fast and quality work (you might be surprised with the amount of time it takes to formulate and shape an idea), as well as providing an opportunity for you to get what you want out of this blog.

With that, I sign off. I love my readers, all one and a half of you!


Brandon said...

All one and a half of us? What does that mean?

Lassin Sayne said...

It was an (apparently failed) attempt to express humorously what I expect to be the very small group of people that read my blog. ("Small," in this sense, referring to number, of course, not height.) I tried to pick a number that can't actually exist when discussing people (as you obviously can't have "half a reader" -- unless you're an unfortunate medical anomaly, in which case I profusely apologize for my lurid insensitivity, but I digress) for both comedic affect and to refrain from offense or embarrassment in case I under- or overestimated my readers, respectively.

Brandon said...

Lassin it would be effect not affect BTW.

Lassin Sayne said...

You only know that because I just told you on Gmail Chat, you little bugger. :P

Brandon said...

awww dis kitteh is hurt. i's sewrry. I will not show ur faults again.