Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well That Was a Tree Solution

Listen closely, dear readers, for I have coined a new phrase. A brilliant and spicy new phrase that I hope to soon spread nationwide.

The shiny new idiom I speak of is a tree solution.

A definition for you:

tree solution (trē səˈloō sh ən): n. a thoughtless and unnecessary solution to another individual's problem that is acted upon, and though solving the immediate problem, results in more difficulties for the individual

I've taken this, of course, from the Greek myth of Apollo and Daphne. If you're unfamiliar with the story, the gist of it is that the god Apollo lusted after a nymph, Daphne, though she despised him. When he pursued her, she ran in fright, and when he nearly caught her she called upon her father for help. To save her from Apollo, her father turned her, irreversibly, into a tree.

So therefore, it is a tree solution. She's safe from Apollo's bed, but has to stay a tree forever. Yay.

No tree solution here, just prettiness. (Jareth!)
If you haven't seen Labyrinth, I suggest you watch it now, though not around impressionable young children.


Brandon said...

Umm What is Bowie doing in this post? And Sorry to be a buzz kill but this is also a math definition meaning the one solution to a linear indeterminate equation. This is because of the graphic way that this solution(= to square root of -1*pi added to the cos(X^1/4) can be found. But cool new way to use the phrase. Hopefully it will catch on.

Lassin Sayne said...

Well that's a . . . letdown. Never mind, we'll just conveniently ignore that little bit of information and denydenydeny! if anyone asks. :-)

*sigh* Brandon, Brandon, Brandon . . . Bowie is here because Bowie is fantastic and squee-inducing, therefore deserving of as much "screen time" as I can garner for him. (Not to mention, I just really like looking at him, heh.)