Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In Which I Whine, and You Get To Listen Because I Love You

Sometimes I wish I could be beautiful. Traffic-stopping, breathtaking, silence-inducing, can-I-buy-you-a-drink beautiful. Judging by the copious aesthetic enhancement products on the market, I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Now, I don't consider myself a particularly vain person -- sure, I have my moments (don't we all?), and I certainly take pride in my appearance (though not excessively), but I don't taunt and flaunt what the good Lord gave me . . . such as it is. :P Still, I find myself wondering what it would be like to be one of "them."

Yes, you're gorgeous -- now go hide in a corner.

Is it as flawless a life as it seems? Logically, I can tell myself no with just a sweep over the tabloids. But a little voice -- that niggling, soft, shallow voice in the back of my mind -- says that it would be different: It would be perfect. Could you imagine the dizzying power of having the male (or female) population at your beck and call? It would be sickening and delightful, I'm sure.

I'll confess something to you: You know that girl who everyone stares at when she walks into a room, and keep casting glances at her throughout all of class? I've always wanted to be her, even as a little girl. I don't know what that says about me. Naturally, I wouldn't change who I am intrinsically to become "her," but it's a nice little daydream to dredge up on boring days. Tell me I'm not alone?

I think I'll expound a bit on this last thought. There are different types of "her," of course: vapid but fun, self-absorbed and spiteful, shy and unaware, manipulative and outgoing . . . -- all beautiful. I find it odd how few very attractive people have truly balanced personalities. Nearly all of them can be cubbyhole-d within the first ten minutes of initial interaction. I find it a sad but inevitable fate for the majority of beauties. (Btw, this is the part where my daydream starts to waver, and the notion that's it's probably better not to look like an angel wiggles in.)

Oh, don't leave yet! I'm sure I could muster up some more self esteem for you to destroy.

Despite the obvious dissatisfaction stunning stars in the news have with life, I can't help but override my natural aversion to their personalities, and focus on their sculpted appearances. What would it be like to put on dress after dress and embody perfection every time? What would it feel like to have thousands of people telling you how beautiful you are on the streets, on the internet, in interviews, in magazines?

There are many times I wish I could have this life, just for one day. God knows I'd probably be disillusioned of the whole idea within two hours, but I'd like to experience it nonetheless, just to be able to say, "yes, I am soul-crushingly attractive and you hate me but you can't look away, can you?"

P.S. Yes, I know that life isn't all it's cut out to be, and no, I wouldn't change who I am or what I look like to anything in the world.

P.P.S. Wow, this post was all over the place, huh? Well, I blame the late hour for causing me to emotionally vomit all over the screen. I'll try to make things more fluid next time around.

OMG no DaBo? Will mend!

No need to thank me, ma'am, it's all in the line of duty.


Brandon said...
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