Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don't Fire Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes

My fellow conservative bloggers, a message to you:

All is not lost.

I know none of us wanted Sen. Barack Obama to win this presidency, but you have to look on the bright side (as you'll have to be doing often these next four years): ladies and gentlemen, this is the first ever black president! America has overcome all prejudice and elected an African-American to the White House. America is still a great nation, where no matter your race, gender, or place in life, you has the opportunity to follow your dreams and find your place in life, according to what you decide is best for you.

These next four years will be a chance for us to regroup, to kick out all the psuedo-conservatives that have gathered around us and purify our pool for the next election. We will be ready when the time comes for us to re-assume power. America will be great once again. These will be years of judgment, but all is not lost. Not by a long shot. America is still the greatest nation in the world -- one man cannot change that.

Not to say it won't be difficult. We'll need to fight, and fight hard, to hang onto what the government will try so desperately to steal away from us: our freedom. This is our country, and I for one will not sit around while it's pulled apart by a bunch of nancy libtards. I kid about jumping the border, but in reality, I'm gonna stay here till they drag me away kicking and screaming to the reeducation camps.

So let's make a promise to make these next four years worthwhile. Let's stay true to God, and to the laws and rights our forefathers lay down for us. Let's gather our sources and pour our blood, sweat, and tears into fighting against this oppression. 

It's this generation's turn to kick commie ass, my friends.


Brandon said...

Yeh, you are right. We must not give up. We must press on. We have dealt with @#%&*$%#&% before and we can, and will again. Never give up hope always look to the positive. Oh my goodness! I sound like a liberal!

Brandon said...

P.S. What is with the reverse discrimination? I use to be "Those evil black people" (That was not right but we fixed it) now it's "Those evil white people always picking on blacks." Quit it!

Lassin Sayne said...

Haha, you're not too far gone though. Once you start saying things like, "You must follow your personal values," I'll know we need to reverse the brainwashing. :D

Liberalism is a mental disease -- normal, healthy people like you and me can't possibly fathom how their minds work. They try to fix a problem by turning the point of the sword 180 degrees. Tsk, tsk. :P