Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Muse is PMSing

Have you ever had those days, weeks, months, where anything and everything creative (whether it be in writing, music, or simple conversation) not only eludes you, but beats you back with a hot poker? 

Oh yeah, that's where I am right now.

I feel especially horrible, because my life is so dependent on the left hemisphere of my brain, and my little funks have never been quite so bad for quite so long. *tear* 

And have you ever noticed that these creative depressions, such as they are, always hit the day you need your wit about you the most? Like in class, when you're sitting next to this really hot guy, and he talks to you -- under normal circumstances, you'd be able to make him smile, maybe even laugh, but today he looks at you as though you're a retarded penguin who just sprouted another beak. Then, you think of the most amazing line ever that would've been perfect to use about fifteen minutes earlier. So for the rest of the afternoon, you mentally prep yourself for your encounter with him the next day -- and you think you've eluded The Funk -- except he isn't there when you show up. That day, or the next day. And when you finally do see him, he sits across the aisle from you, so you can hear his voice, and see the back of his gorgeous head, and study his strands of silken hair, but have no opportunity to redeem yourself, forever cursed to be thought of as an illiterate, banal platypus.

Ah, darn you to the hottest rings of hell, Left-Hemisphere Glitch!

Of course that's a hypothetical situation, why do you ask? o.O

For the sake of the world at large, let's pray that my muse and vocabulary return to me soon, hmm?


Brandon said...

Are you sure that is hypothetical? Or could it be just a little unhypothetical?

Anonymous said...

I think that hypothetical guy is that guy that posts on all of your blogs, brandon.

Brandon said...

Hey, who are you to be saying anything? If it were me why would she give me her blog site?

Lassin Sayne said...

Maybe just the weensiest bit unhypothetical? :S Muy, muy pequeño, señor, realmente. (See, I can speak Spanish. :P)

And Anonymous -- if I was going to be blogging about someone I wouldn't encourage them to read it. That would just be embarrassing and awkward all around once they rubbed two brain cells together and assessed my "hypothetical" situations.