Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And That's a Wrap

Well, my lovely inky octopuses, it appears I'll be reporting to you sooner than I thought. I was going to give you the result of the campaign (like we didn't all know :P) tomorrow before school, but my friend and I just had a text message conversation as follows:

Obama won
I thot we werent finding out til 1 in the morning tho
No they just called it
Shit. U serious?

And sure enough, when I checked out CNN live these were the results: 


OBAMA: 323
McCAIN: 145

It's not like this was a surprise, though. I'll admit, McCain could've won -- really, he should've. If he had taken off the kid gloves after the Republican Convention and gotten to the nitty gritty of the issues, shown Obama for his true colors, and played it out like a real conservative, he would've stolen the election. But it was almost as though some driving force -- subconscious, maybe -- was leading him to do all the wrong things, just so he would lose. The man has an ego the size of Texas, a crap campaign, and the Obamedia was too busy licking the feet of Teh One to spare a good word for McVain -- there was no way he could've won with all these forces conspiring against him.

And any conservative who thought otherwise was pulling the liberal card of "if we ignore it it'll go away and then we'll win." Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.

It was nice knowin' ya, free America. Gimme a kiss goodbye.


Brandon said...

This Stinks!!!!
God save our country.
Let's run away to Mexico. Then come back and get free health care.

Lassin Sayne said...

Heck YES! XD

Don't forget, though -- we've gotta become drug lords before we jump back over. ;-)

Good to see you on the blogosphere, btw.

God help us all. It's gonna be a LONG four years.

Brandon said...

Very long. Makes it easier to make a response though.