Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Day Late and A Dollar Short, O-bots

Now that you fascist Democratic frauds got Comrade Obama elected, you're all ready to work together with us "48 percenters", promising to listen, respect, and even -- what a laugh -- "fight for us!" 

All in the name of "unity."

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Gee . . . so in other words, now that you've sentenced us to four years living in a concrete government two-bedroom tenement eating sloppy gruel prepared with the hour of electricity allotted us, we'll all be able to take comfort in knowing that we're at peace with our "52 percenter" brothers and sisters.

Well thank you, Obammunists, thank you so very much, because that was what I was really worried about. In fact, I don't care a whit that you've helped shove me into forced labor while my parent's retirement funds are being stolen by electing a man who couldn't even fork out the dough to pay his own campaign workers. Oh no. Not in the least. Not as long as I'm reconciled with you.

You know, in other times, under different circumstances, I'd be deeply humbled by and grateful for your magnanimity in extending the olive branch in the aftermath of your victory. Honestly.

But considering people sharing my political views just spent the last eight years being subjected to juvenile invectives from you totalitarian idiots, witnessing you lifting your chin and calling people like me Christofascists, xenophobes, Nazis, homophobes, racists, trigger-happy morons, subretarded inbreeds, etc., etc. (and those are the cleaner ones), after listening to eight years of you defend radical Islamic terrorists who want nothing more than to wipe us "infidels" off the face of the planet, calling for our troops in Iraq to turn their guns on their own leaders and high tail it out of there, watching you march in the streets supporting your leftist causes and cruelly shutting us down when we try to do the same, and generally acting like a bunch of amoral, egostical, malicious, and crotchety brats, I'm afraid that I'm just not ready to offer any more in return than a hearty, "Yippee-kay-ay, mother--s!"

You're behavior is a perfect analogy to an abusive parent, who, after eight years of denigrating, undercutting, beating, and generally making life hell for the child, suddenly decides that it's time the two of them "make up and make this relationship work", as if the poor kid had anything to do with the wretched situation in the FIRST place.

When your Dear Leader is blatantly violating our First Amendment rights with the "Fairness" Doctrine, trying to eliminate conservative talk radio from the air, will you be there, protesting in the streets and calling for his impeachment, just as you used to go into full-blown conniptions whenever you thought that someone might listen on on your phone calls back home to Ma, Pa, and Little Tuck?

When your Ascended Demigod Among Mere Mortals decides to enslave citizens into the service of his Obama Youth, directly breaching the thirteenth amendment, will you be ready with pitchforks and torches just as you are when you fight the airwaves, newspapers, and internet, frothing at the mouth and screaming your infantile rants, every time someone starts talking about reinstating the draft? (Which you always manage to pin on the Bush Administration, God only knows how.)

When your Messiah gives the final push to eliminate my Second Amendment right, will you flash up the barriers and picket signs and yell "BACK OFF!", just as you screech into manic fits of derangement every time you perceive a slight to your holy Roe v. Wade, especially considering that my right to bear arms is, as opposed to your "natural right" to abortion on demand, actually, ya know, in the friggin' Constitution?

Somehow, I can't see you doing any of these things, but I'm willing to be proven wrong. We'll see how it goes. If you do manage to pull off being decent human beings for a change, then we can talk about "making up" and "unifying ourselves".

Because you, my friends, are the ones who have a whole heck of a lot of "making up" to do.

Until then, you are cordially invited to all take long walks off short piers, like the subfunctioning lemmings you are.


Brandon said...

This is scary. The I think I just threw up in my mouth a little is from 6teen. But yah scary. I don't want to be required to do community work. I want the choice to have a horrible town. But watch out the CHANGE wagon is rolling up and all of the libtards see it as the friendly ice cream truck.

Lassin Sayne said...

Actually, the quote I intended for this post was the "Yippee-kay-ay" line from all the Die Hard films.

It is frightening, isn't it? Ugh, the totalitarian pansy sickens and disturbs me at every waking moment. If he manages to pass this, I will come up with the most outlandish and offensive project possible within the realms of legality.

Well, if CHANGE is an ice cream truck, then I dub Vladimir Putin "Santa Clause" and Paris Hilton "the Virgin Mary."

Brandon said...

Great now I need a mind wipe. GROSS but true.

Anonymous said...

Relax, zeabrrah! Holy cannoli, but stop frying your adrenal glands with all this athletic hatred! A warrior has to have poise, to be cool, in control. And to love animals. I'd love to see a post about animals. Cats? Elephants? Zeabrrahs? Even Beanie Babies. Or Teletubbies. Could you write about Teletubbies without resorting to invective? I dare you.

Brandon said...

Yes. With a poll on which one is the best.

Lassin Sayne said...

Mind wipe? You can become a liberal and I'll lobotomize you by repeating "Yes we can!"

And I did write a post on animals -- kitties to be precise. My beloved princess, to be precise.

Ha! I can write about Teletubbies. (Yes, without resorting to psuedo-expletives.) You'll be sorry you asked, though. >:-)

Brandon said...

Your post on kitties started a physiological discussion on the differences between boy-people and girl-people.

Lassin Sayne said...

Boy-people and girl-people? You're segregating the masses, Brandon. You're being a cheap, patriarchalist oppressor. We are not male and female, but persuns alike.

Sorry, had to purge my system of liberalism for a moment.

Brandon said...

So it all gone? You must let all liberalism flow to the force, Luke. Let it out send it back to the evil force from which it came.

Lassin Sayne said...

Yes Yoda, I sent the darkness back to Darth Obama and Commander-in-Chief Hairplugs Robinette, from whence it came.

My mind is not as easily taken over as the Storm-trooper Obambi Youth.