Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hypocritical Obammunist Cow

I'm seeing red.

Of all the sick tactics of the Syphilitic Left, the exploitation of children, in any form, gets me the most riled up.

You can watch the footage I'm ranting about below. Instead of this overpaid, ignorant sow of a teacher actually, you know, teaching, she turns fifty minutes of class into a "Hate Against John McCain" Kum Bah Ya circle.

She does not know how lucky she is that: a) I can't drive; b) I don't own a gun; c) I don't know where she lives. Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that you were able to get one over on a little girl? Yeah, real freakin' cool, you useless piece of fat. Let's step outside, just you and me; I would drag you to the seventh circle of hell and back if I was in your class. Did you notice how she decided to crucify the kid whose daddy is in Iraq, fighting to preserve this lying donkey's freedom, such as it is. God knows Comrade Obama has already enslaved her puny mind.

Wanna tell us who forgot to flush after they squeezed you out, Diantha Harris?


Brandon said...

What the HECK!!! That lady, that brainwashed @_#$@. Poor kid. Let's go and give guns to all of them. See what happens. Excuse me I need to go beat on something. Ok I am back. ARRRRRR.