Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Hairdressers Are the Devil's Lapdogs
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 9:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Zero Calorie Post
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Teletubbies Are G
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: Zero Calorie Post
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Humanity Annoys Me
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hypothetical Situations, Musings, The Fairer Sex
Note to Self:
- Stupidity is not considered a legal provocation for aggressive action. (Read: no stabbing the people sitting next to you.)
- It's nice to be nice. (Read: some people can't help being total jerks. You are not allowed to hurt them, so just shine them on. When you get home you can write them all into a short story and kill them off slowly.)
- Sometimes you have to be your own best friend. (Read: despite what people try to tell you, talking to yourself is not the first sign of insanity. You're perfectly fine. Really.)
- The teenage years are when boys start taking more pride in their appearance. (Read: those guys in your classes are completely normal. Color/pattern-coordination, hair styling, and . . . um, hip-swaying . . . are all part of the male development. Don't think twice about it.)
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (Read: although you can't understand it, some people honestly do find the Jonas Brothers attractive. But don't worry -- just like the Backstreet Boys, they too will fall out of style. Until then, keep suppressing your gag reflex. Please.)
- Genius often comes before its time. (Read: the people who misunderstand your writing are just too underdeveloped to understand. You don't need to change a thing about yourself.)
- Vladmir Putin doesn't know you exist. (Read: no matter what your dreams try to tell you, a 5'5" ex-KGB world leader is not going to hunt you down and murder you. It's okay. Just breath into your hyperventilation bag.)
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Zero Calorie Post
Saturday, November 8, 2008
You Don't Understand Our Love . . .
Since no one seems to share my fascination with Gary Brunson, I've chosen a new man to be the love of my life:
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: The Male Species, Zero Calorie Post
Mom, Dad, I Want You To Meet the Love of My Life
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:01 PM 7 comments
Labels: The Male Species, Zero Calorie Post
A Day Late and A Dollar Short, O-bots
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 5:37 PM 10 comments
Labels: Democratic Waste, Epic Fail, Hypocritical Jacks, Libtards, Marxist Swine, Obammunists, Politics, The Obamessiah, Useless Pigs
Hypocritical Obammunist Cow
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 3:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: Democratic Waste, Hypocritical Jacks, Lemming Apocalypse, Libtards, Marxist Swine, Obammunists, Politics, Reeducation, The Obamessiah, Useless Pigs
Friday, November 7, 2008
Dis iz Mah Kitteh
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:09 PM 2 comments
Labels: Zero Calorie Post
Poetry Review: Nature's Life
This attempted quatrain from her first anthology, Nature My Way, is symbolic of what she perceived as the cruel and thoughtless mass-producing of harvest that weakens Mother Earth. Albeit, this sort of writing often encourages the anti-greenies to go out and harm the earth for the pure sake of schadenfreude, rather than promote environmentalism, but you can't reason with artists. She would've liked to say that all that glisters is not gold, and just because a wordsmith like Frost was able to fill everything with elegance and imagery while she was lacking in that department, at best, her messages were no less real or important than his. Despite her embarrassingly inflated ideas of her poetic skill, most wouldn't have missed anything if she had fallen asleep in the snow.
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Poetry, the Golden Years: Nature's Life
A tiny sprout starting to bloom
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: "Art", Creative Slumming, Epic Fail
My Mommy isn't a Technologically Inept Old Person!
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Blogs and Blogging, Lolz
"You really didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you?"
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 10:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: Blogs and Blogging, Politics
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Few Prozac Lolz
Considering Russia won't be taking us over since Obambi was elected (pretty funny story behind that if you ever wanna hear it), I figure that I'm now at liberty to laugh at their Prime Minister:
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 11:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: Call of Duty 4, Lolz, Russia, Vladimir Putin, YouTube, Zero Calorie Post
Don't Fire Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 8:43 PM 3 comments
Labels: American Pride, Defeat Communism, Politics
And That's a Wrap
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 8:11 PM 3 comments
Labels: Lemming Apocalypse, McVain, Politics, The Obamessiah
English Class Cheated on Me
v 6:42 pm McCain just lost Ohio. He now has 124 electoral votes, and 49% popular vote. Obama has 199 electoral votes and 50% popular vote. Why do we need to have electoral votes? The conservatives might actually have a chance of winning otherwise. But California still needs to be tallied in, and that would undoubtedly tip the scale in Obama’s favor. Well, it will anyway, I suppose. I’m barely literate right now. Fear has me in a haze.
v 6:49 pm Obama has 19,480,495 popular votes, while McCain has 19,184,965. I just posted on my blog about the election. It’s helping me to think clearly again. So many people my age just don’t understand how important this is. I’m so scared, and my dad just banned talking politics in the house, so I have no one to be comforted by.
v 6:52 pm Popular votes: Obama – 20,822,014; McCain – 20,414,522. It doesn’t look like there’s any chance for McCain to pull through now, especially with California still off the charts. I was holding onto a sliver of hope. It was just incinerated. I hope these next fur years aren’t quite the hell I’m envisioning.
v 6:55 pm Popular votes: Obama – 21,110,153; McCain – 20,650,932. Christians will be under attack. We’ll just have God and each other soon. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad.
v 6:58 pm Popular votes: Obama – 22,190,557; McCain – 21,624,493. There’s a family that goes to my church that I baby-sit for sometimes A very nice family, really. They’re liberal. I’m sure they’re voting for Obama. I don’t think I’ll be able to baby-sit for them anymore. I can’t be in that close proximity with someone who caused this. I know that sounds hateful, but I can’t help it. The whole situation just makes me so friggin’ mad I could spit nails.
v 7:01 pm Electoral votes: Obama – 206 (Oh God, he only needs 64 more); McCain – 135. I think America’s under judgment from God. In the Bible, when a nation was under judgment, it was given bad leadership. We had Clinton, Bush, now Obama. Nuff said.
v 7:04 pm Popular votes: Obama – 22,635,152; McCain – 22,017,149. I’m actually getting teary watching this. Can the libtards even comprehend what they’re doing to us? We’re gonna have another freakin’ 9/11. My dad has a friend who converted to Christianity from Islam named Daniel, and Daniel said that all the Muslim terrorists he knows consider Obama to be “their candidate.” Not to mention the fact that Obama continuously voted against trying to protect infants of live abortions. Even Hillary Clinton voted for that. What do these things tell you? The man is a tool for the devil. He’s sick.
v 7:09 pm I have three more minutes until I can stop. I can’t take this any longer. I developed a headache a while ago, I feel like I’m going to start crying, and now I feel nauseous.
v 7:10 pm My connection just timed out. I can’t watch it anymore.
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 7:47 PM 2 comments
Labels: Democratic Waste, Lemming Apocalypse, Libtards, Marxist Swine, McVain, Politics, The Obamessiah
. . .
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Democratic Waste, Lemming Apocalypse, Libtards, Marxist Swine, McVain, Obammunists, Politics, The Obamessiah
My Muse is PMSing
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 3:44 PM 4 comments
Labels: Creative Slumming, Hypothetical Situations, The Male Species
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Obambi vs. McVain (or, May the Good Lord Save Our Sorry Asses)
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 1:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: Democratic Waste, Hairplugs Robinette, Lemming Apocalypse, Libtards, Marxist Swine, McVain, Obammunists, Politics, Saracuda, The Obamessiah, Useless Pigs
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Proposition 8: California Marriage Protection Act
- FACT: In 2000, California voted "yes" on the legislation to define marriage as being between a man and a woman.
- FACT: In May of 2008, four San Francisco judges overturned this legislation, ruling it unconstitutional.
- FACT: According to Section 297 - 297.5 of the California Family Code, domestic partners have the same benefits, protection, and rights as heterosexual married couples.
- FACT: Massachusetts is the only other state to legalize same-sex marriage, having done so in 2004.
- FACT: In 2006, a second grade teacher read her class "King and King," a story about two princes getting married. When parents objected, courts ruled that parents had no right to be given advanced notice that their children would be learning about gay marriage in schools, nor could they pull their children from class.
- FACT: In 2006, Catholic charities ended its adoption work in Massachusetts after more than 100 years of service, because the state's anti-discrimination laws required adoption agencies to place children in same-sex homes.
- Prop 8 is Unfair Regardless about how you feel about this issue, we should not eliminate rights for any Californian. Prop 8 would mandate, under the laws of our state, that one group would be treated differently from everyone else. That's just unfair.
- Prop 8 is Wrong Prop 8 is fueled by special interest groups that have engaged in a deceptive campaign. The government has no business telling people who have been together for years that they can or cannot get married. In California, we let people decide for themselves what's best for them. We believe in freedom to make choices without government interference. Prop 8 is wrong for California.
- Don't Buy Their Scare Tactics Proponents of Prop 8 are twisting the truth. Top educators like Superintendent Jack O'Connell and California Teachers agree that Prop 8 has nothing to do with schools. Public schools are required to teach nothing about marriage. Separate facts from fiction. Get real answers about Prop 8 >> Every Major newspaper opposes Prop 8. Find out why >>
Brought to You by Lassin Sayne at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Hypocritical Jacks, Lemming Apocalypse, Libtards, Politics, Prop 8